On 4th June 2024, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital Trusts experienced a cyber attack. This means that the local hospitals who provide our testing services, cannot test any samples.
What does this mean for me?
This means that, unfortunately, we will not be able to complete any appointments where we take samples that need to be sent away to be tested.
This includes:
- Smear tests
- Routine blood tests (phlebotomy)
- Swabs of wounds
- Urine testing
- Stool samples
Why can’t the sample be tested?
The cyber attack has affected the hospitals computer systems. These systems process samples and tell GP practices the results.
What do I do now?
The hospitals, the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the government’s National Cyber Security Centre are working hard to get these systems up and running again.
In the meantime, we will rebook your appointment for a future date.
What happens if I need to go to A&E?
A&E is still open and the hospitals are still able to care for those experiencing a medical emergency.
Please only go to A&E if you are experiencing a medical emergency. For anything else please contact your GP practice or NHS 111.